Downtown Eugene

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Opera in context

I'm listening to Mozart's Don Giovanni on the radio ... I've posted this before: we see these performances today in a form completely unlike their original one. they were written for halls where people were meeting for lunch & cards & drinking, and so the writer was really struggling to get the audience's attention. If opera seems repetitive and drawn-out today, it's not because people's tastes have changed ... but because the performance context is so different.

Look at the popular revival of some of Shakespeare's original context, from London to Ashland, and you can see that in the right setting, these shows can be massively popular again.

So, imagine, today, an opera house in the 18th-century style. It doesn't need to particularly look 18th-century, but it needs to have balconies and siderooms and interesting twisting passages for all kinds of social activities, from cards to weight-lifting to sex. I think you wouldn't be able to keep people out of the place.

I'm guilty of starting a Tango Center that's somewhat out of its original context -- no drinking. "Either kids or drinks" is the choice we have in the US today. It seemed like an all-ages dancehall was needed more than a drinking-hole for dancing. But we've still created a place where you go to do something, not just sit and watch performers. That's what's missing from most performance space today.


At 5:01 AM, Blogger 梁爵 said...

1:酒店工作有年齡限制嗎? 沒有經驗也可以?
2: 我有其他的工作或身份還是學生?
3: 酒店S環境複雜,怕染上壞習慣?
只要有心,知道自己要酒店S,在這裡你可以短時間之內累積到一筆可觀的收入,改善你的生活 ! 萬丈高樓平地起,許多知名藝人未成名前,也是在酒店磨練過,這個社會處處誘惑,到處都是陷阱,坐辦公室被老闆壓搾,領著微薄的死薪水,白天工作環境難道就很單純嗎 ?
4: 上班地點在那?
台北市:中山區/ 東區
5: 上班時我該穿何種衣服?
公司會有專人教妳打扮/化妝,並提供服裝給你所以不用煩腦, 不知如何穿著
6: 可以兼職或試上嗎?
當然OK阿 !!我們會有專人照顧陪伴如有認何問題可馬上反應不會讓你有任何不安害怕,請不用擔心。
7: 我住較遠公司有題供住處嗎?
8 : 因我手頭很緊很缺錢可現領或預借嗎?可以阿 ! 只要你有心想賺錢,認何你財務上的困難我們都會幫你解決的,讓你無顧慮!
9 : 會不會有色情?
你請放心我們配合的店家都是有合法執照 , 優質的工作環境 , 決對不是像外面色情應召站, 讓你賺錢也賺的安心。
您可以自己Google搜尋:梁曉尊/梁小尊~ 有相關我個人事業版圖。梁曉尊/梁小尊 是經過亞洲Google地區認證 品質保證。
10: 我完全沒經驗我怕無法應付?

At 7:04 AM, Blogger 梁爵 said...



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